dual audio Free Fahrenheit 11/9
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- Writer - Michael Moore
- Filmmaker Michael Moore examines the current state of American politics, particularly the Donald Trump presidency and gun violence, while highlighting the power of grassroots democratic movements
- runtime - 128 m
- actors - Brooke Baldwin
- release Year - 2018
12:51 HARVEY WEINSTEIN'S NAME. Free Fahrenheit 1.9.2d. Complete mention of the Barney Franks and other Politicians that set quotas REQUIRING banks to give subprime loans, then establishing the government backed Fannie and Freddy to insure them ( facilitating the market.
Free fahrenheit 11 2f9 review. Free Fahrenheit 1.9.6.
I laughed out loud at this crap
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Michael Moore is fake news.
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I will watch it but there is something incredibly self righteous about Michael Moore. He simply doesn't understand how anyone can think differently from him. He is right and everyone else is an idiot.
I've seen most of Moore's films. And this is his worst. I'll never watch any of his movies again, because his best days are behind him. And you get all that stuff for free on TV, anyway. So what's the point of seeing them.
I expected moore. too much about the Flint-crisis that most people interested in politics already know about, and it dominated the movie. After watching it it didnt give me anything...
You can rob a bank with a gun but you can rob the world with a bank.
Fahrenheit 11/9 free movie.
Wall Street bankers are money-loving people-hating psychopaths who control the government and laugh at the tragic consequences of their behaviour. You've Been Trumped was superb. After I saw that. and then this bullying sleazebag got elected President. yeuch.
The banking system will experience something similar due to high interest, it will become overwhelming to those that can't find a way out of debt.
This needs a wider release.
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Shame he doesn't reflect on how fahrenheit 9/11 influenced the rise of trump. He peddled a conspiracy theory and now we're in an era where facts don't matter.
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Fahrenheit 9 11 free. His latest film, is another Hail timing of it, premeditated to change votes for mid terms. SIMILAR to 11th hour attempt to stop Kavanaugh nomination. What he or DISGUISED sycophant announcer doesn't realize,it will have opposite Deplorables k ow fake manipulation when we see long as Hillary and Mr. Moore keep making the rounds,it helps our President. Great allies,without realizing it. Free stream fahrenheit 11/9. Free Fahrenheit 11 septembre. You're never gonna be able to unsee what you've saw as a fellow millennial, you're not exactly doing us service by A) speaking in memes and B) using incorrect grammar this is why being a millennial upsets so many of us. other than that. this doc looks excellent. I've heard this before, about the young generation taking charge to ensure their future. Back in the last 60s and early 70s. I hope this time it happens.
The documentary is way more entertaining if you just imagine that it's narrated by Peter Griffin instead of Michael Moore. To be fair, it isn't difficult to do either, seeing as how the two are remarkably similar.
Nothing more than some fear mongering tactics.
Was the twin towers hit? LETS JUST SLAP ON SOME FLEX TAPE.
Free Fahrenheit 1.9.2.
What a corrupt nation the US is. It's sad that we all believe being "friends" will save us all. They'll be the reason behind The end of humanity as we know it. God peace.
Typical Moore,
Bad investigated mockumentary...
I wouldn't recommend it.
The good old Moore projects are over.
Excellent review of a good film. When it got to the end and we had the obligatory Trump/Hitler comparison, I was prepared to scoff, but went quiet as point after point hit home.
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7:04 That's even possible without a directed energy weapon. Even M. Mouse knows that. THINK.
USA = third world country! Thanks god I live in europe.
This is by far Michael Moore's best movie. He pieces together things going on in the US that we have all heard about and seen on the news. But putting it together in a meaningful way is what Moore does so well. It should wake all of us up to what is happening and how messed up things are in our country and how frail our democracy is.
There is no hype in this movie, it just presents the facts, very realistically. You can be the judge. I know I was feeling sick to my stomach when I left the theatre. And that is a good thing because we should all be sickened by the behavior of the leaders of our country. The is no morality left.
The only positive message you can take from this movie is that the youth is getting mobilized because they really care about what is happening.
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